Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Waiting on God's Timing

Think about today’s culture in which we live…

We eat a lot of fast food! Computers do much of our work in order to get things done quickly and in a timely manner! Homes have more technology than ever before in order to do more…and to do more quickly!  We are in a hurry most of our days!

The danger of living under such circumstances is that our need to have everything quickly and at our finger tips bleeds over into our spiritual lives. And, if we are not careful, we will attempt to take things into our own hands and rush them.

Doing so, can lead to disaster! Our impatience can often lead to:

Marrying the wrong person.
Taking the wrong job.
Quitting too early; quitting too late.
Joining the wrong church.
And on, and on, and on.
We can learn much from Bible people who needed to practice patience:


As is always the case, we find our answers related to patience in God’s Word. Check out these passages on patience:
Proverbs 3:5-6
Isaiah 41.10
Galatians 6:9
1 Peter 5:6-7
Psalm 40:1-2
So, what are you dealing with today that may require you to wait and be patient or is causing you anxiety because God hasn't “fixed” it yet?  Try this approach:

Pray sincerely about your issue.
Find a Bible verse related to that issue that you can claim every time it comes to your mind.
Daily yield that need to God with patience.
Throughout my years of ministry God has proven to me over and over that His timetable is best! I always end up with more of a blessing when things get “fixed” according to Him and His infinite wisdom!

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