a simple little page reflecting thoughts, ideas, and how we all can love a little bit more on the wonderful blessing given to us of our children.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Waiting on God's Timing
Think about today’s culture in which we live…
We eat a lot of fast food! Computers do much of our work in order to get things done quickly and in a timely manner! Homes have more technology than ever before in order to do more…and to do more quickly! We are in a hurry most of our days!
The danger of living under such circumstances is that our need to have everything quickly and at our finger tips bleeds over into our spiritual lives. And, if we are not careful, we will attempt to take things into our own hands and rush them.
Doing so, can lead to disaster! Our impatience can often lead to:
Marrying the wrong person.
Taking the wrong job.
Quitting too early; quitting too late.
Joining the wrong church.
And on, and on, and on.
We can learn much from Bible people who needed to practice patience:
As is always the case, we find our answers related to patience in God’s Word. Check out these passages on patience:
Proverbs 3:5-6
Isaiah 41.10
Galatians 6:9
1 Peter 5:6-7
Psalm 40:1-2
So, what are you dealing with today that may require you to wait and be patient or is causing you anxiety because God hasn't “fixed” it yet? Try this approach:
Pray sincerely about your issue.
Find a Bible verse related to that issue that you can claim every time it comes to your mind.
Daily yield that need to God with patience.
Throughout my years of ministry God has proven to me over and over that His timetable is best! I always end up with more of a blessing when things get “fixed” according to Him and His infinite wisdom!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
7 Challenges to Strengthen Your Child's Relationship with God
If you’re worried about your children’s relationship with God, you’re not alone! Parents are far busier these days than they were thirty years ago. What does our bustling lifestyle mean about our children’s relationships with God? The bottom line is probably scarier than we’d initially think. One child expert puts it this way:
“Parents used to think that schools should teach reading, writing and ‘rithmetic, and parents should teach ethics, morality and spirituality. These days, parents have shifted much of their training attention to academics as well. Time that used to be spent talking about ‘how to be good’ is now spent on ‘how to be successful.’ If a child gets caught with candy in his pocket from the store that isn't paid for, harried parents are less apt to go through with the age-old custom of making the child take it back and confess. Doing so takes too much time–and costs gas!”
Who is handling children’s moral and ethical development these days? Even more importantly, who is putting in the daily time to make sure kids know Jesus and understand He is their friend?
God wants your children to know Him as much today as ever, and He’s willing to help out in fast-paced American lifestyles. Hence, here are 7 mini-challenges to strengthen your child’s relationship with God. Here’s the best news: They don’t require any additions to your already busy schedule! Rather, they involve using the time you have with your kids to God’s best advantage:
Challenge #1: Share your spiritual thoughts with your kids.
We Christian adults often think of God five, ten, fifteen, or times in a day—sometimes in an hour! We send up a prayer or imagine what God thinks of a news event, or even just feel His presence around us. Regularly sharing those thoughts with kids will speak loudly of how connected you are to their God. Just saying, “I was wondering today what God thought about the earthquake that happened last week,” can be a great conversation starter as well as a great example.
Challenge #2: Raise questions to your kids that make them think.
Kids of very young school age can take a stab at questions like, “Do you think God has a favorite candidate in the election?” or “What would God like our family to do to serve the poor?” When they give their answer, you can give yours. Great conversations often lead to Godly thinking, and they can be done while taking a walk, folding wash, or traveling. Honestly listen for their answers and kids will feel inspired to think things through!
Challenge #3: Share your personal spiritual challenges with your kids.
When you've been struggling with something spiritually, share it. Kids are much closer to understanding matters of the spirit than we often give them credit for. Sharing will not make you look weak in their eyes, but rather focused on finding answers. You can mention just about any daily challenge, anything like, “I watched a horror movie today…I kind of felt God was not happy I was doing that. What do you think?”
Challenge #4: Encourage your kids to speak to God.
Especially older kids feel uncomfortable praying with parents, unless they have been raised that way since birth. Even more important than praying with them, however, will be getting them in the habit of speaking to God when they are alone. When kids present you with a tough challenge, your input is important, but start including, “Did you ask the Lord?” You might say, “I would ask the Lord about that one. Let me know what you think He says. I’m really interested…”
Challenge #5: Show kids how God is in school with them all day.
School is crowded and noisy and, in many cases, not very godly. Kids can get confused about God’s presence there in ways that can hurt their relationship with him. They can subconsciously adopt the idea that they leave God on the bus corner and come back to him at the end of the day. Use conversation to remind kids that He is always there, both as a comfort and as a witness if they do something they shouldn't When kids tell you about something bad that happened, be sure to include things like, “Wow, God saw that. He must have been upset.” Remind kids often: “God not only helped build that school, but he’s in there all day long! He wants to help you there as well as home, even though it’s noisy and harder to hear him. Trust me: He can always hear you.”
Challenge #6: Talk when you walk; talk when you drive.
Often when we’re driving our kids, we don’t think about talking to them. Maybe there are other kids in the car, or maybe we’re just not used to engaging our kids in great conversations. When driving, take time to share something with your kids about the Lord and how he was with you today. It may trigger a response or even a discussion! If not, at least you've gotten it out in the open how important God is to you. Many experts say walking is the best exercise. Instead of doing the tread mill at the gym, take a brisk walk with your kids. Often we have to walk the family dog anyway—take one of your kids with you and pour out your thoughts about the Lord!
Challenge #7: Don’t neglect your own spirituality.
Talk to God yourself during the day, and equally important, really listen when you've raised a question to Him or you need help and counsel. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” God will never tell you your question is stupid; he will never tell you to come back later, that he’s too busy. God wants to communicate with you, no matter where you’re at or what’s going on in your life. And the best way to get your kids to want to communicate with Him is to see the results in your own life. You will be more peaceful, more joyful, and you will have plenty more to talk about with your kids!
How to talk about God with your kids.
Some parents are great conversationalists, some don’t naturally come by it. However, one key ingredient to good conversation with your kids is not baby-talking. You can simplify a concept for young children, but don’t be afraid to make them reach. Such can not only make them feel important, but conversation exercises the brain far more than memorizing school concepts ever will. Second, experts who deal in grief therapy or who counsel young children agree that kids can take a lot of truth, and their understanding is sometimes astonishing. It’s more important to focus on including them in your spiritual thoughts than figuring out how to water a subject down.
The best way to make God seem bigger, more loving and more real is to make him a part of your regular routine, and the most logical place to start is with what comes out of your mouth. If you’re used to thinking of your spiritual time as something separate from your “parent” time, try thinking instead of your spirituality as something that infuses every other thing you do. No matter what else we do in life, we talk more than we do anything else. The most logical move is to talk about Him, wherever you go.
Here are 10 great conversation starters about God with your kids
Most Christian parents have thoughts about Jesus throughout the day, and all that is required is opening up about what’s already on your mind. Use the starters that feel natural to you, or think of others!
Talk about:
1. Something you saw on the news that made you think of God or made you want to pray for the person.
2. A scripture you read today or that went through your head and why.
3. Something you wrote in your journal or read in a blog that either had to do with God or made you think of him.
4. A personal difficulty that you've been praying about for guidance or direction.
5. A family matter with extended relatives that is making you want God’s guidance (make sure the kids won’t tell the relatives!).
6. Your latest tidbit about America’s schools, standardized testing, bullying, etc. and how you perceive God thinks of it.
7. Something you prayed about for yourself or your family, even if it doesn't involve the kids directly.
8. Something you discussed with a friend or neighbor and your Christian take on it.
9. Something you felt the Lord shared with you, whether it was through an impression, actual words, or answered prayer.
10. Something you saw in nature that made you think of God’s artistry, or his love, or even his judgment.
You don’t have to teach unless that comes naturally to you. Talking comes naturally to all of us, so let’s use the natural forces that work in our day to work for our kids. Talk about their relationship with God via these mini-challenges is a great way to sow seeds daily!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
37 Practical Ways to Improve as a Parent
I posted this list from an article I read about a year ago. This is not meant to be an end all list, it is only meant to give us a jump start and reminder of what it means to be a parent.
Here is something you may never have thought of. By God letting us become parents is one of His primary methods of sanctification Within marriage, you ultimately choose what you're willing to live with. You see, if you marry an angry person, you know you will have to learn to deal with your spouse's anger. If you marry a passive, or fearful, or impulsive person, in the end you have to admit you chose this person, and thus choosing your future battles.
With our children it is different. They already come out ready made with spiritual battles beforehand that we can't even begin to imagine. And God in His vast brilliance has the ability to place our child in our family to push just the right buttons to get under one or both of our skins.
Do you see the potential for spiritual growth? This is enormous! Raising children will truly shape our souls.
So once again, here is this list. Read through them. Consider implementing one or two a month.
Here is something you may never have thought of. By God letting us become parents is one of His primary methods of sanctification Within marriage, you ultimately choose what you're willing to live with. You see, if you marry an angry person, you know you will have to learn to deal with your spouse's anger. If you marry a passive, or fearful, or impulsive person, in the end you have to admit you chose this person, and thus choosing your future battles.
With our children it is different. They already come out ready made with spiritual battles beforehand that we can't even begin to imagine. And God in His vast brilliance has the ability to place our child in our family to push just the right buttons to get under one or both of our skins.
Do you see the potential for spiritual growth? This is enormous! Raising children will truly shape our souls.
So once again, here is this list. Read through them. Consider implementing one or two a month.
In random order:
1. Pray for your child in her presence at the start and close of each day. Keep it brief.
2. Tell your child you love him at least every other day.
3. Hug your child often (even if it’s just a shoulder hug for teens).
4. Give her a short note of encouragement at least monthly.
5. Spend at least 30 minutes of one-on-one time with him each week, and turn off your cell phone and PDA beforehand if you own them.
6. Leave an age-appropriate joke in your child’s lunch box or coat pocket occasionally.
7. Tell her you’re proud of her. Be specific why.
8. Surprise your child with a small gift that you know he’d appreciate.
9. Read the Bible or a devotional lesson together at least weekly.
10. Play a board or card game with your child.
11. Take your child out for breakfast or lunch at least monthly.
12. Take off work early to cheer him on at an after-school activity.
13. Give your child an encouraging card, e-card or e-mail message.
14. Leave an inspirational quote on your child’s pillow before his bedtime.
15. Learn a Bible verse or passage together.
16. Hug your child and tell her “I love you” after disciplining her.
17. Watch one of your child’s favorite TV programs together.
18. Praise your child in front of his teachers or peers.
19. Teach her a new skill of yours.
20. Make a meal of his choice with him for dinner.
21. Serve with your child somewhere in your community – such as a nursing home, homeless shelter or hospital.
22. Ask your child to forgive you for something you did to her recently, such as losing your temper.
23. Pray for your child for five minutes every day.
24. Pray often for God to grow you as a parent.
25. Join your child in doing a random act of kindness for a neighbor.
26. Play catch with him.
27. Rent a funny movie, pop popcorn and laugh hysterically together.
28. Help your child with homework. Commit to being very patient!
29. Hold a family faith night – do a fun activity, read a Bible passage and pray together.
30. Prioritize healthy eating and exercise habits for your whole family. Reward your kids when they achieve milestones.
31. Plan a fun weekend or day trip away for the two of you.
32. Take lots of pictures of your child and your family.
33. Devote yourself to only disciplining your child in love. This may mean delaying discipline for a few minutes while you collect your emotions and pray.
34. Put a picture of her in your wallet or purse. Look at it and thank God for something about her daily.
35. Give your child something from your childhood that was valuable to you. Explain why it was valuable and why you’re giving it to him.
36. Celebrate your child’s successes with enthusiasm.
37. Be the first one to encourage your child when she experiences pain or failure.
Question: What would you add to the list?
What is happening to my precious baby??
It seems that as of recently I have been asked about what is happening with these children of the ages 2-4. They seem unruly, out of control, without manners, and totally disrespectful. You know what my answer is..."Yes."
I love the way John Rosemond describes and directs this mother who feels that her child is uncontrollable.
Here is the article. Hope this helps...
Question: When I ask him to do something, my 2-year-old screams “No!” and then swings at me. When he hits me, I firmly reprimand him and try to put him in time-out, but that only makes matters worse. I've tried ignoring his screaming, but that doesn't work. What should I do?
Answer: He must be your first child. Or, your first child was the one child in a hundred who wasn't a “terrible” two. In either case, it’s behavior of the sort you describe -- illogical, irrational, violent—that has given this age child such a bad reputation. It’s also why one of my graduate school psychology professors maintained that toddlers were psychotic.
Stories of this sort also belie the romantic notion that human nature is fundamentally good. I’ll just bet your son has never seen anyone haul off and hit someone. Nonetheless, he tries to hit you. That’s because the tendency toward violence when he doesn't get his way is in his DNA. It’s why God made sure that human children, unlike the offspring of other species, do not grow to full size in one or two years.
I could have told you that time-out wasn't going to work. It works on the aforementioned one toddler in a hundred. And as for ignoring this sort of behavior, I don’t know anyone who has that sort of fortitude. Besides, the terrible 2-year-old won’t tolerate being ignored. It drives him into a frenzy.
But I have the solution. At least, it’s worked for numerous other parents of equally psychotic toddlers. Cut his bedroom door in half. Re-hang the lower half, creating a “Dutch” door. Oh, and just to be “safe,” turn the lock around. When your son screams, attempts to hit, or begins to show any other symptoms of imminent psychosis, pick him up, put him in his room, close the half-door, and lock it. Then walk away. Let him vent for as long as he needs to vent in order to realize that his bedroom is now his venting place -- his only venting place. When he is calm, or reasonably so, go back, unlock the door, pull it open, and walk away. Don’t say things like “Are you ready to be good?” or anything equally counterproductive. Act as if nothing has happened between picking him up and opening his door.
The key to the success of this tried-and-true method is to get him to his room as quickly as possible after an episode begins. In fact, if you even see him warming up to an episode, take him to his room. Do this for two weeks. If my experience serves me well, that’s how long it will take for him to begin “getting it.”
Two more things: First, keep it simple. When it comes to giving instructions to your son, don’t ask; tell. There’s a world of difference between “It’s time for you to pick up your toys” and “How about being a good boy and picking these toys up for Mommy, okay?” Toddlers respond much more cooperatively to declarations that they do requests. Second, make it easy. Don’t give a toddler more than two toys to play with at once. That simplifies the job of picking them up, and makes screaming a lot less likely.
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